Ryan B's Sober Living Success Story - Real Recovery Solutions
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Ryan's Sober Living Success Story

Ryan's Sober Living Success Story

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Sobriety Date: 6/27/2017
Age: 32
Drug(s) of Choice: Prescriptions/Marijuana
Alumni Interview Date: 11/12/2022

The most important thing I notice is that I like the person I see in the mirror

– Ryan B.

Personal Background

I was raised in the Tampa area and was very active in competitive sports. My parents got divorced when I was 13; I went to live with my Dad and began to experiment with alcohol and marijuana. Looking back I see I did not drink like other people.
By high school, my whole life was consumed with drinking and drugs. When I was 18 I tried prescription pills for the 1st time, I spent the next 8 years chasing that feeling. That led up to many visits to the county jail and eventually landed me in prison for drug charges. I kept hurting my family, I had very few friends and I could not stay employed. Upon release from prison, I still could not stay sober. Everything changed when I moved to Real Recovery in Tampa.

Recovery Background

I heard about the AA program in Prison and thought that it was a waste of time. That I was too young for that and it didn’t apply to me because I was a young guy. But eventually, I had to come to the realization that I did have a problem and needed help. I was introduced to the 12 steps when I moved into Real Recovery. It was a requirement I attend meetings and get a sponsor. My life started to get better as I worked the 12 steps. The results that I received after following the program have been better than anything I could have imagined.

Ryan's Journey at Real Recovery

How was your experience at Real Recovery?

It was Great!! The experience I had at Real Recovery allowed me to start a new chapter in my life. With help from the staff and getting involved in a 12-step program I learned how to have fun in sobriety and became accountable for my actions. Plus; I made a lot of great friendships there that I still have to this day.

Was there anything that you did while you were in sober living that you think made a difference this time?

I felt that if I just surrender and let go of trying to control everything. I believe going to 12 step meeting was vital. I was a very dishonest person before so trying to be honest about everything and take some action to change my life.

What was the hardest or most challenging step for you?

Step 1.
Being powerless over alcohol/ drugs was not easy for me to accept. I tried for years to manage my drinking/using. Towards the end, it became clear I could not do this alone and I needed help. I found the help that I needed at Real Recovery

Was there a step or a point where you felt that things shifted or that you got the most relief from?

I got a lot of relief from step 9. Making those amends face-to-face propelled me to continue this way of life so that I did not let my family and friends down.

After Real Recovery & Life In Sobriety Today

How’s life now?

I have been able to repair the damaged relationships with my family. Today I have a great career. The most important thing I notice is that I like the person I see in the mirror. The opportunities to help others get sober really makes me believe that I have a purpose in my life.

Ryan Escape Room YPAA

What three things/tips would you tell your past self or share with someone considering sober living/recovery?

  1. It is possible to get sober and be happy

  2. Surround yourself with others in sobriety

  3.  It’s a spiritual program of action. Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path.

Do you have a daily routine that helps you stay sober?

Praying morning and night has been very key to getting me a sense of gratitude and appreciation. I like to read the daily reflections to put my mind in the right thought process for the day. Making my network calls during the day. Going to my 12-step meetings and doing step work with sponsees.

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