Mike E's Sober Living Success Story - Real Recovery Solutions
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Mike's Sober Living Success Story

Mike's Sober Living Success Story

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Sobriety Date: 04/20/2018
Age: 36
Drug(s) of Choice: Marijuana/Opiates
Alumni Interview Date: 05/08/2022

I had been to many treatment programs for my addiction, but I never considered or attempted to work a program until I went to Real Recovery.

– Mike E.

Personal Background

Born and raised small town central FL. Parents were together, they worked hard and struggled to make ends meet at times. Started smoking weed and drinking on weekends between the age of 11-12. 16 I started selling weed and started experimenting with harder drugs . I graduated high school. By the time I was 18 I was done experimenting and stuck my drugs of choice weed and opiates. When I turned 20-21 I started getting into opiates more and more. For the 1st time on my 22cnd birthday I started to go to a pain management. Eventually ran out of money because my habit was out of control. Started stealing scrap metal and when I was 23 I got arrested, violated probation in less than 3 months and chose to go to prison for 13 months because I knew I wasn’t going to be able to stay sober long enough to complete probation. Once i got out it didn’t take long for me to start smoking weed & drinking and then back to the opiates. Age 28 I started to Iv opiates. For 9 years I was in and out of jail and on and off suboxone. 32 my family had enough and Marchman act acted me. Went to rehab for the 1st time and upon my release immediately went to Real Recovery.

Recovery Background

When I was 20-21 (2005-2006), I had injured my ankle in a four-wheeler accident, that traumatic event ramped up my opiate use. By the age of 22, I was frequently running around to pain management clinics for opiates.

My addiction progressed quickly once I was physically addicted. Started out as something I enjoyed on the weekends and in matter of 2 years it consumed my life.

Within the 2 year time span, I had “won a free trip” to the state prison. Even after doing some time in prison, I kept taking bigger risks. Knowing next time my punishment would be worse.

How were you introduced to the 12-step program and recovery?

I had been to many treatment programs for my addiction, but I never considered or attempted to work a program until I went to Real Recovery.

Mike's Journey at Real Recovery

How was your experience at Real Recovery?

It was great! The 1st day I arrived Mark reached out to other residents to make sure they went with me to a meeting that night. The house managers were super helpful with showing me around and answering any questions I had. I let staff know I was struggling to find a job and through their suggestions I secured employment within a week. The atmosphere at Real Recovery is clean, comfortable, and It allows you to focus on your recovery. I strongly believe they truly set you up for success. I planned on only being there 90 days and I decided to stay there for a little more than 2 years.

Was there anything that you did while you were in sober living that you think made a difference this time?

I listened and applied suggestions. (Except stay out of relationships for my 1st year) Did 90 meetings in 90 days. Got a sponsor, worked steps, got a home group, and got a service position at my home group. I got a network of people I could talk to and learned to have fun and healthy hobbies in recovery.

What was the hardest or most challenging Step for you?

The 4th and 5th step were the hardest.

After Real Recovery & Life In Sobriety Today

How’s life now?

F@#king awesome! I’ve have a good paying career, raising a child, and enjoying life sober.
I still go to meetings and stay in touch with my sponsor and fellowship in recovery. Which is Key!

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What three things/tips would you tell your past self or share with someone considering sober living/recovery?

  1. Have Faith
  2. Work ALL 12 Steps
  3. Listen and apply suggestions

Do you have a daily routine that helps you stay sober?

Every morning I wake up and tell myself I have a couple 24’s. 😉
I meditate, pray, and do my best to remain grateful no matter what life throws at me.

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