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Marijuana Addiction Treatment

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Real Recovery Solutions understands the complexities of marijuana addiction, backed by evidence that underscores its impact. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), approximately 30 percent of those who use marijuana may have some degree of marijuana use disorder, highlighting the significant need for specialized treatment. This fact drives our commitment to providing a nuanced pathway to recovery that addresses the multifaceted nature of addiction.

Our Marijuana Addiction Treatment program is designed around the individual, starting with a comprehensive assessment to tailor a treatment plan that addresses both the addiction and any co-occurring mental health issues. This ensures a holistic approach to recovery, focusing on the physical, psychological, and social aspects of marijuana use. Recognizing the challenges of benzodiazepine addiction as well, we apply similar strategies to assist those grappling with this severe dependency, ensuring a broad spectrum of substance abuse issues are managed under one roof. We offer a range of treatment options to meet diverse needs with what we treat, including sober living environments for community support, an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) that blends significant therapeutic support with life’s daily responsibilities, and a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) for those needing more immersive care. Each tier is designed to foster recovery in a supportive, flexible environment.

Understanding Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana’s classification as a “soft” drug belies the complex challenges it poses for many individuals. Despite its legal status in numerous jurisdictions and growing social acceptance, marijuana can lead to a condition known as Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD), recognized by the medical community as a significant and treatable condition. This disorder reflects a problematic pattern of marijuana use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, characterized by a range of symptoms from a strong desire to use marijuana to difficulties in controlling its use.

The Nature of Cannabis Use Disorder

Cannabis Use Disorder can vary in severity, classified as mild, moderate, or severe, based on the number of diagnostic criteria met by an individual. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), these criteria include cravings, continued marijuana use despite related social or interpersonal problems, and failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home due to marijuana use. The severity of the disorder is an important consideration in determining the appropriate level of care and intervention.

Physical and Psychological Consequences

The impact of marijuana addiction extends beyond the compulsion to use. Physically, chronic marijuana use can affect respiratory health, memory function, and cognitive abilities. Psychologically, it can exacerbate or contribute to the development of mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis, particularly in vulnerable individuals. The relationship between marijuana use and mental health is complex, requiring a nuanced approach to treatment that addresses both the addiction and any co-occurring mental health conditions.

Social Implications

Marijuana addiction can also have profound social consequences, affecting relationships, employment, and academic performance. Users may find their addiction leads to isolation from non-using peers, conflicts with family members, and diminished academic or career achievements due to decreased motivation or cognitive impairments.

Addressing Marijuana Addiction

At Real Recovery Solutions, our treatment programs are specifically designed to confront the complex nature of marijuana addiction head-on. We adopt a holistic and comprehensive approach, integrating evidence-based therapies alongside supportive interventions to holistically address the physical, psychological, and social facets of addiction. Central to our methodology are behavioral therapies, recognized as some of the most effective treatments for Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD). These therapies are pivotal in helping individuals alter their attitudes and behaviors concerning drug use, fostering the development of healthier life skills, and enhancing adherence to other treatment modalities, such as medication and psychotherapy.

Supporting this approach, research underscores the efficacy of behavioral therapies, particularly cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), in the treatment of substance use disorders. Studies reveal that up to 60% of participants engaging in CBT report significant reductions in drug use and notable improvements in mental health outcomes within a year of treatment. This statistic highlights the tangible benefits and positive impact that such therapeutic interventions can have on individuals striving to overcome addiction.

In addition to therapeutic interventions, our programs strongly focus on creating and maintaining a supportive environment throughout the structured treatment process and into ongoing recovery. We recognize the journey of overcoming marijuana addiction as both challenging and deeply personal. By equipping our clients with the essential tools and support, we are dedicated to empowering them to achieve and sustain sobriety, enhancing their quality of life and health outcomes. Our commitment to evidence-based practices and unwavering support lays a solid foundation for our clients to build a life free from addiction.

Our Approach to Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Individualized Treatment Plans

At Real Recovery Solutions, we believe in a personalized approach to addiction treatment. Upon enrollment, each client undergoes a comprehensive assessment to tailor a treatment plan that best suits their needs, challenges, and recovery goals. Our multidisciplinary team of addiction specialists, therapists, and healthcare professionals work collaboratively to ensure that each aspect of the individual’s addiction and underlying causes are addressed.

Sober Living Environment

A crucial component of our Marijuana Addiction Treatment program is the provision of a sober living environment. This aspect of our service offers individuals a safe, drug-free space where they can live among peers who are on a similar path to recovery. The supportive community and structured living conditions foster accountability, resilience, and the development of healthy coping mechanisms and life skills essential for long-term sobriety.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Our IOP provides a flexible yet comprehensive treatment option for those seeking to overcome marijuana addiction while maintaining their daily responsibilities. This program includes several hours of therapy per week, covering individual counseling, group therapy, and educational sessions on substance abuse, relapse prevention, and mental health. The IOP allows clients to apply the coping strategies they learn in real-world settings, gradually building their confidence and independence.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

For individuals requiring a more intensive level of care, our PHP offers a structured treatment environment with daily therapeutic sessions and medical monitoring. This program bridges the gap between inpatient treatment and IOP, providing high support and care without the need for overnight hospitalization. PHP is ideal for clients who need a more immersive treatment experience to manage their marijuana addiction effectively.

Signs and Symptoms of Marijuana Addiction

Identifying marijuana addiction involves understanding a range of signs and symptoms that indicate a problematic relationship with the substance. These indicators not only highlight the presence of Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) but also underscore the necessity for intervention. Here’s a closer examination of these symptoms:

Increased Tolerance

One of the primary signs of marijuana addiction is an increased tolerance to the drug. This means that over time, the individual needs to consume larger amounts of marijuana to achieve the effects once attained with smaller quantities. Tolerance is a physiological response where the body adapts to the drug, necessitating higher doses for the same level of intoxication or relief.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms manifest when an individual who frequently uses marijuana stops or significantly reduces their usage. These symptoms can include irritability, mood swings, sleep disturbances (such as insomnia or intense dreams), decreased appetite, restlessness, and various forms of physical discomfort. Withdrawal symptoms indicate physical dependence on marijuana and can vary in severity, affecting daily functioning and well-being.

Loss of Control

Loss of control over marijuana use is a critical sign of addiction. This is characterized by consuming more marijuana than originally planned or being unable to stop or cut down usage despite a desire to do so. Individuals may spend excessive time obtaining, using, or recovering from marijuana, often at the expense of other activities or obligations.

Neglecting Responsibilities

Marijuana addiction can lead to a noticeable decline in performance at work, school, or home due to prioritizing drug use over responsibilities. This might manifest as missed deadlines, poor attendance, decreased productivity, or failing grades, reflecting the drug’s interference with an individual’s ability to fulfill their roles.

Social Isolation

Individuals struggling with marijuana addiction may withdraw from social activities, hobbies, or relationships that were once important to them, especially if those settings do not accommodate their marijuana use. This isolation can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and depression, further entrenching the cycle of addiction.

Continued Use Despite Problems

Persisting in using marijuana despite being aware of the physical, psychological, or interpersonal problems it causes is a hallmark of addiction. This might include continuing to use even when it contributes to mental health issues, exacerbates physical health conditions, or causes strain in relationships.

Understanding these signs and symptoms is crucial for recognizing when recreational or medicinal use has transitioned to problematic use. Early detection and intervention can significantly improve the effectiveness of treatment, highlighting the importance of awareness and education regarding marijuana addiction.

In addressing the spectrum of marijuana addiction, Real Recovery Solutions recognizes the unique challenges posed by various cannabis products, including hash. Our evidence-based therapies are tailored to address the complexities of addiction, whether it stems from traditional marijuana use or concentrated forms like hash, ensuring a comprehensive treatment plan.

Why Choose Real Recovery Solutions?

Choosing Real Recovery Solutions for marijuana addiction treatment means selecting a center that prioritizes your well-being and recovery above all else. Our evidence-based practices and a compassionate and supportive environment set the foundation for our clients to achieve lasting sobriety. Here are just a few reasons to choose us:

  • Expert Care: Our team of professionals is highly experienced in addiction treatment, bringing a wealth of knowledge and empathy to our programs.
  • Comprehensive Support: From detoxification assistance to aftercare planning, we offer a continuum of care designed to support our clients at every stage of their recovery.
  • Flexible Treatment Options: Recognizing the diverse needs of our clients, we provide flexible treatment schedules that allow individuals to pursue recovery without putting their lives on hold.
  • Community and Belonging: Our sober living and group therapy sessions foster community, allowing clients to build meaningful connections and support networks.


If you or a loved one is struggling with marijuana addiction, Real Recovery Solutions is here to help. Our dedicated team is ready to provide the support, guidance, and treatment necessary to overcome addiction and embark on a path to a healthier, substance-free life. Contact us today to learn more about our Marijuana Addiction Treatment program and take the first step toward lasting recovery. Your journey to sobriety starts here, and we’re with you every step of the way.

Carlos Escobar, Clinical Director

As the Clinical Director at Real Recovery Solutions, Carlos Escobar leverages over 15 years of experience in Substance Use Disorder Treatment, focusing on therapies like CBT and REBT to foster client self-understanding and acceptance. His commitment to innovative, personalized care aims to profoundly improve the lives of those battling addiction and related mental health challenges.

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