Moe K's Sober Living Success Story - Real Recovery Solutions
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Moe's Sober Living Success Story

Moe's Sober Living Success Story

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Sobriety Date: 6/17/2021
Age: 38
Drug(s) of Choice: Alcohol/Crack Cocaine
Alumni Interview Date: 11/09/2022

So, I struggled. But when I stopped thinking I was better than those I lived with and realized we were all in it together and it was through community and the 12 steps I would get and stay sober.

– Moe K.

Personal Background

I grew up as the initially poor but eventually privileged son of two very hard-working, devout, Muslim first-generation immigrant parents in small-town Virginia. Neither drink nor do drugs and are well-educated and my needs were always met. I had an overbearing but very supportive and loving dad and adoptive mother, though these relationships sometimes became co-dependent and they often sheltered me from the consequences.

Recovery Background

My first drink was when I was 17 and I have been drinking alcoholically ever since, though I didn’t know it at the time. In my 20s, I became deeply addicted to pain pills but “beat it” by drinking harder and not doing pills. It wasn’t until I got married at 31 when my wife alerted me to the fact that I didn’t drink normally did I realize I did not drink like a “normal” person. At 35, my addiction spiraled and I smoked crack cocaine for the first time and things started to fall apart. I ended up in 3 rehabs in 2 years.

The consequences were always bad but when I was a younger adult, my parents would always shield me from the worst of the consequences (i.e., despite a couple of DUIs, they paid for the lawyers and court costs). My rock bottom was a consequence from which no one could shield me. I gave my family away because of my addiction: my wife wanted to separate (and eventually) divorce me and protect my 2-year-old daughter from my drinking and drugging.

How were you introduced to the 12-step program and recovery?

In my 20s, I was court-ordered to do a 12-step program in order to avoid trouble with the law. Then again in rehab. But it wasn’t until the last rehab I went to did it start to click and it wasn’t until I got to RR did I really start to get serious about it.

Moe's Journey at Real Recovery

How was your experience at Real Recovery?

Initially, rough: I didn’t want to dive in and get to know my brothers in recovery in the way I should have. So, I struggled. But when I stopped thinking I was better than those I lived with and realized we were all in it together and it was through community and the 12 steps I would get and stay sober.

Was there anything that you did while you were in sober living that you think made a difference this time?

I attended meetings, I got a sponsor, I listened, I connected. My connection to my community and staying connected was the biggest piece for me to get and stay sober.

What was the hardest or most challenging step for you?

I’m still working through them again, as I switched sponsors recently, but I’ve always dreaded 9: honest, selfless amends can be difficult and scary.

Was there a step or a point where you felt that things shifted or that you got the most relief from?

Properly doing 1 and then finding all my own parts in step 4 really helped me take a look in the mirror and assess who I was, who I am, and eventually who I wanted to become, as well as shedding myself of old fears and resentments.

After Real Recovery & Life In Sobriety Today

How’s life now?

Life is nothing short of beautiful now. After getting sober and my time at RR, my then-separated wife decided to give me another chance and I got my family back, the most important thing in my life. I had another child with her, a beautiful son. My career blasted off: I am now the founding engineer of a Silicon Valley fintech startup, alongside two other lucrative jobs in tech that help me provide for my family in the way that they deserve.

moe daughter hammock

What three things/tips would you tell your past self or share with someone considering sober living/recovery?

  1. Don’t overthink it – just do, and the results will come in time

  2. Sober living is probably not what you think it is – if you are hesitant like I was, be open to the idea. It could save your life. 

  3. Always be willing and open: this attitude can help you not just in sobriety but life in general.

Do you have a daily routine that helps you stay sober?

Coffee, reflection, coffee, CODE.

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