Recovery Resources to Help You Thrive in Sobriety - Real Recovery
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Recovery Resources
& Community Services

Recovery Resources & Community Services

Resources To Help You Achieve Your Goals & Succeed

The process of recovery is so much more than simply not picking up a drink or a drug, use the following resources to build the best future for yourself.

Many of us are making up for lost time while in the grips of addiction. We’re here to help you focus on obtaining long-term sobriety (one day at a time), grow in your interpersonal relationships, rebuild your professional career, and learn new skills so you can sustain the life you desire.

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Recovery Blog Articles & Resources

Changing from an active user to a recovered alcoholic or addict does not happen overnight. We know from experience that it is a hard-fought battle each day that gets easier overtime but that’s not to say we shouldn’t strive to become better humans every day.

Our goal is to provide informative, no-nonsense, and authentic content through our sober living and recovery blog to help everyone seeking to better their self in recovery, whether you’re on Day 0 or have decades under your belt. We hope we can bring a little more to your week, thanks for reading.

signs of heroin addiction

Signs of Heroin Addiction and What to Look for in a Loved One

March 10, 2025

An estimated 42,000 Floridians used heroin in 2021 alone. Thousands of those people have a heroin use...

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what is liquid heroin

What Is Liquid Heroin and How Do I Identify It?

March 8, 2025

In 2022, 32 deaths in Tampa, Florida, were associated with heroin. These are 32 members of our...

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stages of heroin addiction

Stages of Heroin Addiction and How to Identify Them

March 7, 2025

In 2021, an estimated 42,000 people in Florida consumed heroin. Some were trying it for the first...

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Substance & Alcohol Abuse
Self-Assessment Tests

Not sure if you may have a problem with drugs or alcohol?

We’ve prepared several anonymous substance abuse self-assessment tests to help you decide for yourself. (Hint: if you’re on this page, you’re probably in the right place so congrats on taking the first step to create a better life 😉).

Is the test really anonymous?

Listen. We’re not your parents, relatives, significant other, probation officer, and certainly not here to be the judge.

We don’t care what you’ve done, how much you use or don’t use, or who your connections are.

What we do care about is helping as many fellow alcoholics, addicts, and individuals, as possible, who struggle with substances of any kind. What is important is that you are willing and able to be honest.

AA Meetings and Local Events

Unless you’re an energetic extrovert by nature, being new to AA can be an anxiety-inducing adventure but don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Yes, it can be awkward asking another guy for his phone number (aka finding a sponsor), and then calling him every day to check-in, or putting yourself out there to make new friends in AA. Attractive women, sure; other guys? … not exactly high on most newcomer’s list of fun things-to-do at the beginning. Speaking from experience here, it’s funny how quick “priorities” change when you get sober but try to stay the course. The amount of men who lose focus on their sobriety by focusing on money and women is just to damn high

Here’s the thing, AA’s process works so let’s get over ourselves, and build a better life. Everything you want in life can and often more will happen if you trust the process and place your recovery first.

We’ve curated some simple tips and resources below to help you get active in your recovery community. Get weird, have fun, laugh, make friends, and try not to take yourself or others too seriously all the time. It’s not easy but hundreds of now successful men, who were once broken, will tell you it’s worth it.

AA Meeting Sites for Tampa Bay

You may already know this but for the uninitiated: each county typically has their own “intergroup” website that will list a 24-hour help hotline you can call when you’re feeling froggy, as well as, a list of meetings in the area, planned events, and additional resources to help you quickly find what you need.

Here are the different intergroup websites for AA in the Tampa Bay Area:

Since the Coronavirus hit, AA has digitally transformed with thousands of awesome meetings now available online:

How do I find local AA events?

Attending local Alcoholics Anonymous events is one of the best actions you can take to build the strong foundation you will need to overcome the challenges you’re going to meet in early sobriety. We must build a strong support network of like-minded individuals in sobriety to survive the trials ahead.

There’s no secret sauce to this recipe – the best way to find interesting things to do in sobriety is to attend AA meetings and network. When you’re at a meeting be sure to listen for “does anyone have any AA-related announcements?” More often than not, if there is a group planning a camping trip, sober outing, movie night, or beach volleyball tournament, you’ll likely hear about it.

We highly recommend attending as many “newcomers”, “beginners”, and “Young People Groups” (YPG) meetings as much as possible. As you start integrating with different groups of sober people, you can bet you’ll be invited to go out to eat or something fun after a meeting. Don’t be too shy to introduce and invite yourself or ask if anyone is doing anything after a meeting. Most people will recognize the sincere effort and welcome you with open arms.

NA Meetings and Local Events

By the time most of us entered the rooms of Narcotics Anonymous, the party had stopped long ago. For us, our continued use wasn’t some naïve high school experience that blew our minds nor did the drugs still provide the same euphoria we enjoyed during our early years of experimentation. Nope. Most of us continued to use just to avoid getting sick from withdrawals and simply function or numb the pain. Our bodies and mind had lost the choice in the matter, whether we realized it or not.

If you identify with this, and you’ve landed on this page – welcome to the team! We wish we could tell you how easy it is to get sober. We can’t. You know this anyway. So let’s cut the BS and get to the real of recovery.

The Narcotics Anonymous process works and there is a simple solution available for you to create a better, more successful life, filled with adventure and purpose (all the material stuff too)!

If you want to seriously get and stay clean, we highly recommend contacting us (hint: call us directly, complete a form, or reach out via email or a DM on Facebook). Aside from obviously working the steps, our next step as addicts to get fully integrated into the NA program, establish a support network, and make new friends who want the same thing we do – to stop using and just live a better life.

Here are some tips and resources to help support your journey in recovery.

NA Meeting Sites for Tampa Bay

Similar to AA, Narcotics Anonymous has their version of “intergroup” or a main district office at the state and county levels. Getting clean is especially challenging during the first few months of sobriety. Withdrawals certainly don’t help. Thankfully the major area NA groups have a 24-hour hotline you can call when you’re feeling froggy or just need someone to talk to. Get connected and enjoy a better way of life.

Here are the main Narcotic Anonymous websites with meeting lists for each county across the Tampa Bay Area:

Since the Coronavirus hit, Narcotics Anonymous has really modernized their approach to meeting online, they even have Discord servers:

How do I find local NA Events?

Attending local Narcotics Anonymous events is one of the best actions you can take to build the strong foundation you will need to overcome the challenges you’re going to meet when you’re new to recovery and just getting clean. As addicts, we need to build a solid support network with other addicts who are serious about staying clean, otherwise we become isolated, depressed, and can quickly lose sight of goals… ultimately leading to a painful or fatal relapse.

Just like other 12-step programs, there isn’t any secret formula to networking and learning to have fun in recovery. The best way to find interesting things while pursuing a clean lifestyle is to attend NA and put yourself out there. Meet people, enjoy the experience, and don’t stress about social anxiety. Getting out of our comfort zone is how we addicts grow in recovery. When you’re at a meeting be sure to listen for “does anyone have any NA-related announcements?” More often than not, if there is a group planning a camping trip, sober outing, movie night, or concerts, you’ll likely hear about it.

We highly recommend attending as many “newcomers”, “beginners”, and “Young People Groups” (YPG) meetings as much as possible. As you start integrating with different groups of sober people, you can bet you’ll be invited to go out to eat or something fun after a meeting. Don’t be shy, introduce yourself and see if anyone wants to do something after a meeting.

See What Our Residents Have to Say About Real Recovery

We believe that everyone that wants to get sober should have the opportunity to do so in a safe, clean, and respectable environmen.