Real Recovery is a Level 2 FARR certified recovery residence. Our sober living program maintains the highest ethical and recovery treatment standards. Real Recovery is a FARR Certified Recovery Residence What is FARR? The Florida Association of Recovery Residences (FARR) was founded in 2011 out of the need to evaluate and monitor standards-based recovery support services provided in community-based, residential settings throughout Florida. FARR is the Florida Affiliate of the National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR). Real Recovery is a certified Level 2 Recovery Residence with FARR. FARR's Philosophy FARR supports Recovery Residence providers in their effort to deliver quality recovery-oriented housing opportunities to persons in recovery who seek to reside in abstinence-based, peer-supportive environments. We believe this is best achieved through encouraging and monitoring provider compliance with national standards promulgated for this purpose. We further believe that all people have the right to recover in an atmosphere that meets their special needs as well as their basic needs for safety, dignity, and respect. FARR's Commitment to Sober Living FARR is committed to providing fair, impartial support and encouragement to recovery residence providers who express a willingness to achieve compliance with the NARR Standard and FARR Code of Ethics. FARR is further committed to participate in academic research studies focused on ROSC, Recovery Management, and residents’ personal development of Recovery Capital. FARR Policy Information It is the policy of The Florida Association of Recovery Residences (FARR) to ensure Certified Residences and stakeholders’ grievances are handled respectfully, appropriately, and professionally.The Formal Grievance Procedure should be used to resolve the interpersonal conflict between individuals and to report issues with the existing FARR policy that a Certified Residence believes should be examined before the next scheduled annual policy review meeting.The Formal Grievance Procedure should not be used for retribution or personal/agency gain.The Formal Grievance Procedure includes but is not limited to the investigation, validation, and recommendation of the Ethics Committee as to the standing of the Certified Residence and sanctions and/or disqualification of their certification to the FARR Board, when necessary. Formal Grievance Procedure Confidentiality of Proceedings All information, notes, reports, transcripts, and any other documentation of any kind that are generated or received during the course of an ethics investigation, including the ethics committee meetings, and appeal hearings, shall be kept confidential by FARR.The respondent is entitled to a full and complete copy of the following:Compliant; (Subject of compliant / grievance; Identity of complainant / grievant will remain confidential);Investigative summary;Ethics Committee’s Recommendations;FARR Executive Board Recommendations.The complainant is entitled to a full and complete copy of the following:Ethics Committee’s Recommendations;FARR Executive Board Recommendations. Oversight and Conflict of Interest In all cases, the Chairman of the FARR Ethics Committee will direct ethics investigations under the supervision of the FARR Executive Director;If a member of the Ethics Committee is a party in a grievance or involved in any way, he or she will be excused from the grievance proceedings;If a member of the FARR Executive Board is a party in a grievance or involved in any way, he or she will be excused from the grievance proceedings. Sanctions Possible sanctions for the violation of the FARR Code of Ethics or Standards include but are not limited to:Written Reprimand: A Written Reprimand with request for Corrective Action and follow-up review;Summary Suspension: Summary Suspension with request for Corrective Action and follow-up review;Revocation;Denial of Application for Certification with FARR.The Ethics Committee may consider the applicant’s or agency’s past history in regards to ethical sanctions and disciplinary actions when determining the appropriate sanctions for the current ethics case.A third offense, confirmed by the Ethics Committee, in a two-year period will automatically result in an immediate summary suspension and sanctions shall include a suspension or revocation of Certification. The Formal Grievance Process It’s important to follow the grievance or complaint procedures carefully and to document all pertinent facts, dates, and information when filing a report or claim. Step 1: Filing A Formal Grievance should be filed within 30 days of when the complainant became aware or suspected the violation of ethics or standards. The Formal Grievance should be documented on the FARR Formal Grievance Form; Verbal grievances will not be acted upon. Step 2: Submission The FARR Formal Grievance Form should be submitted to the Executive Director of FARR, or if a perceived conflict exists, to the Chairman of the FARR Ethics Committee; Step 3: Notification of Receipt The grievant should be notified by email or telephone within 3 business days of the Executive Director’s receipt of the grievance. The Executive Director of FARR forwards a copy of the Grievance to the Chairman of the FARR Ethics Committee for review and discussion; Step 4: Investigation Within 30 days of receipt of the written complaint, the FARR Ethics Committee will complete an objective investigation of the matter and record the findings in writing;An extension of no more than 30 days may be granted for investigations that take longer than the initial 30-day timeframe. No member of the Ethics Committee or Executive Committee shall intentionally try to stall, prolong, or delay proceedings. The complainant /grievant and/or respondent may be requested to appear separately in front of the Ethics Committee. Written notice of the time and date will be sent to the grievant at least 10 days before the hearing. Step 5: Presentation to the Board FARR Ethics Committee presents to the FARR Executive Committee at the next scheduled meeting. The presentation shall include the compliant / grievance; investigation summary including an objective account of everything that transpired to result in the grievance and as well as anything that has occurred as a result of the grievance, and the recommended action to be taken; Step 6: Board Decision / Recommendations FARR Board of Directors will discuss and make a formal recommendation for a vote at the next general meeting. A report of the findings, voting results and corrective actions to be taken will be provided to the grievant via email within 14 business days after the general meeting. The proceedings will be recorded in general meeting minutes to keep an official record. File a FARR Grievance The FARR grievance process is intended for serious and relevant issues, please give us an opportunity to better serve you by addressing your concerns with a program administrator or house manager before filing a formal grievance with FARR. Thank you. Trusted by Hundreds of Men & Families. Nationally Recognized & Certified by Industry Leaders. Trusted by Hundreds of Men & Families. Nationally Recognized & Certified by Industry Leaders. "Half measures availed us nothing." -AA Big Book Why Ambitious Men Choose Us Real Recovery is a growing community of sober living homes located in the Tampa Bay area. Our properties are located throughout Hillsborough, Pinellas, Manatee, and Sarasota County). We offer a safe environment where men who are serious about recovering from the seemingly hopeless disease of alcoholism and addiction can build a new way of life filled with purpose, among likeminded sober peers.Real Recovery provides an affordable and realistic structure built upon the principles of 12-step recovery programs to afford each resident a safe, supportive, and drug-free environment with personalized treatment plans to achieve their long-term goals and lasting sobriety. Learn About Our Approach Nationally Recognized & Certified Recovery ResidenceReal Recovery is a nationally recognized and certified sober living residence with onsite certified recovery specialists that are active members of a 12-step program. Reinforce Accountability with Random Drug TestsRandom breathalyzers, drug tests, and curfew checks ensures our sober living program provides a clean environment, where everyone is accountable for their recovery. Modern, Clean & Dignified Apartment-Style LivingModern renovated apartment and townhome-style sober living homes with all the amenities residents need to succeed in sobriety and maintain gainful employment. We're Driven To Succeed in Every Aspect of LifeOur clients work, attend school, or volunteer, and participate in Real Recovery’s community events. We are an active sober community with a sense of camaraderie. Request a Confidential Callback for Help Today One of our program managers will give you a call, typically within an hour to discuss our sober living program, answer any questions you might have, and help you decide if Real Recovery is a good fit for your goals in recovery.If you need immediate help, please call us (727) 290-9156. "*" indicates required fields First Name* Last Name* Phone*Email* Date of Last Use (Sober Date)* When was the last time you drank or used drugs?Insurance Carrier & Policy Number* ex. Blue Cross of Florida VMYA123456789Date of Birth*Month123456789101112Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Year20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Insurance Card (Optional) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 200 MB, Max. files: 2. If you have a picture of your insurance card, you may upload the front and back of it here. As a reminder, all information is completely confidential.Consent* I agree to the privacy policy.Real Recovery Solutions/Real Recovery Sober Living is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We have access only to information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact with you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone. We will use your information to respond to you regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization other than is necessary to fulfill your request (e.g., to ship an order). Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email in the future to tell you about specials, new products or services, or changes to this privacy policy.CAPTCHA Δ